The story of how Gallerí skart came about for us, Vilborga and Brynleifi, is the most like a lie. But it is often with the most false stories that they are most definitely true, because who could cook up such a story?
"It all started when an acquaintance of mine told me in unsolicited news that I had to work making and selling jewelry. He also said that if I wanted my career to be successful, I could not choose the price myself at all, but had to wait for a sign that would tell me how much to sell each item for.
I thought it was hilarious as I hardly know how to put necklaces on let alone make them. Soon after, my wife won a craft drill in a game, and that's when I started wanting to try jewelry making. Then I start dreaming about jewelry and handicrafts.
The wife and I are going on a short holiday to Scotland and I'm scouring the streets of Glasgow for more inspiration, but can't find anything I want to buy so I go home empty-handed. A little over a week later, a woman knocks on my door with a box full of stones, various materials for jewelry making and packaging to sell it all in. She says she had a dream that she should give it all to me. That's when the ball started rolling and Gallerí skart was created on December 5, 2014," says Brynleifur.
(Interviewed by Marta Eiríksdóttir)
It's nice to come to Brynleifs and Vilborgar's. They teach various herbs and they offer different products. First of all, there are products available that are original, beautiful and slightly different. They partially manufacture the products themselves and emphasize sustainability and recyclable jewelry packaging.
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Kriuland 8
250 Suðurnesjabær